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Why We Donate: Social Change for Burma

When Tanaka Skin was in the idea stage of a brand, we knew that we were going to be utilising elements of a culture that has been forgotten, abused and undermined for its entire history by the rest of the world and by its very own authorities... we knew instantly that Tanaka Skin and it's mission had to involve an outcome where we were able to make positive social change to the people of Burma.

We knew we were going to do this through the following methods:

  • Educate people on thanaka - a skincare ingredient that is one of the most identifiable elements of Burmese culture

  • Bring awareness to Burmese culture through educating and inspiring customers to explore Burma and to get to know its people, history, culture and traditions

  • Donate a portion of profits to charities whom help to support vulnerable members of Burmese society whether through education, housing, healthcare etc...

So why do we feel the need to create social change for Burma and its people?

It is not unknown to those outside of the country (though not known enough) that the nation has undergone a significant amount of civil unrest within the last 100 years of its history. Strong political conflicts, natural disasters and indescribable injustices towards the innocent people of the nation.

Burma is one of the poorest countries in Asia. Burma and its people are being forced to undergo various economic setbacks time and time again because of these various forms of unrest. Burma has become a nation that is so focused on surviving and fighting the necessary evils that there is no time to focus on creating jobs, improving a non-existent healthcare system and educating its future. Things simply need to change.

Yet Burma is one of the most beautiful countries out there. It is rich, fertile and littered with colours that makes one think they have seen every shade and hue that this planet has to offer. The culture and traditions are strikingly memorable and contains a diverse group of people in terms of ethnicity and religion - with the kindest of folk demonstrating the real elements of the Burmese way of life. The food is undeniably unique with some ingredients only being used within Burmese cuisine. There is a lot that the world will forget to treasure if we do not actively work to engage with Burma and its people....

Sometimes, when I think of Burma, I feel such a conflict of emotions. I think of wonderful childhood memories and gorgeous floral scents; and monuments of gold and flowers of every size and colour. And then I think of the children that are malnourished and the villages that have been burnt - the images etched into the back of my memory. It is a country that has a bitter sweet taste in my mouth. That unsettling blend of melancholy and magic - and it lingers in my soul long after the thoughts have passed.- Emma Wealthy, Founder of Tanaka Skin

When we think of Burma, there are some words that help us to be hopeful about its future...

"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." - Anna Frank

If you would like to help support social change within Burma, visit one of the following sites where you can make a donation and learn more about the issues surrounding Burma:

Or if you are interested in making a contribution through the purchasing of one our products, then please visit our store:


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